Source code for firedrake.adjoint_utils.function

from functools import wraps
import ufl
from ufl.domain import extract_unique_domain
from pyadjoint.overloaded_type import create_overloaded_object, FloatingType
from pyadjoint.tape import annotate_tape, stop_annotating, get_working_tape, no_annotations
from firedrake.adjoint_utils.blocks import FunctionAssignBlock, ProjectBlock, SubfunctionBlock, FunctionMergeBlock, SupermeshProjectBlock
import firedrake
from .checkpointing import disk_checkpointing, CheckpointFunction, \
    CheckpointBase, checkpoint_init_data, DelegatedFunctionCheckpoint
from numbers import Number

[docs] class FunctionMixin(FloatingType): @staticmethod def _ad_annotate_init(init): @wraps(init) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): FloatingType.__init__(self, *args, block_class=kwargs.pop("block_class", None), _ad_floating_active=kwargs.pop("_ad_floating_active", False), _ad_args=kwargs.pop("_ad_args", None), output_block_class=kwargs.pop("output_block_class", None), _ad_output_args=kwargs.pop("_ad_output_args", None), _ad_outputs=kwargs.pop("_ad_outputs", None), ad_block_tag=kwargs.pop("ad_block_tag", None), **kwargs) init(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper @staticmethod def _ad_annotate_project(project): @wraps(project) def wrapper(self, b, *args, **kwargs): ad_block_tag = kwargs.pop("ad_block_tag", None) annotate = annotate_tape(kwargs) if annotate: bcs = kwargs.get("bcs", []) if isinstance(b, firedrake.Function) and extract_unique_domain(b) != self.function_space().mesh(): block = SupermeshProjectBlock(b, self.function_space(), self, bcs, ad_block_tag=ad_block_tag) else: block = ProjectBlock(b, self.function_space(), self, bcs, ad_block_tag=ad_block_tag) tape = get_working_tape() tape.add_block(block) with stop_annotating(): output = project(self, b, *args, **kwargs) if annotate: block.add_output(output.create_block_variable()) return output return wrapper @staticmethod def _ad_annotate_subfunctions(subfunctions): @wraps(subfunctions) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): ad_block_tag = kwargs.pop("ad_block_tag", None) annotate = annotate_tape(kwargs) with stop_annotating(): output = subfunctions(self, *args, **kwargs) if annotate: output = tuple(type(self)(output[i].function_space(), output[i], block_class=SubfunctionBlock, _ad_floating_active=True, _ad_args=[self, i], _ad_output_args=[i], output_block_class=FunctionMergeBlock, _ad_outputs=[self], ad_block_tag=ad_block_tag) for i in range(len(output))) return output return wrapper @staticmethod def _ad_annotate_copy(copy): @wraps(copy) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): ad_block_tag = kwargs.pop("ad_block_tag", None) annotate = annotate_tape(kwargs) func = copy(self, *args, **kwargs) if annotate: if kwargs.pop("deepcopy", False): block = FunctionAssignBlock(func, self, ad_block_tag=ad_block_tag) tape = get_working_tape() tape.add_block(block) block.add_output(func.create_block_variable()) else: # TODO: Implement. Here we would need to use floating types. raise NotImplementedError("Currently kwargs['deepcopy'] must be set True") return func return wrapper @staticmethod def _ad_annotate_assign(assign): @wraps(assign) def wrapper(self, other, *args, **kwargs): """To disable the annotation, just pass :py:data:`annotate=False` to this routine, and it acts exactly like the Firedrake assign call.""" ad_block_tag = kwargs.pop("ad_block_tag", None) # do not annotate in case of self assignment annotate = annotate_tape(kwargs) and self != other if annotate: if not isinstance(other, ufl.core.operator.Operator): other = create_overloaded_object(other) block = FunctionAssignBlock(self, other, ad_block_tag=ad_block_tag) tape = get_working_tape() tape.add_block(block) with stop_annotating(): ret = assign(self, other, *args, **kwargs) if annotate: block_var = self.create_block_variable() block.add_output(block_var) if isinstance(other, type(self)): if self.function_space().mesh() == other.function_space().mesh(): block_var._checkpoint = DelegatedFunctionCheckpoint(other.block_variable) return ret return wrapper @staticmethod def _ad_not_implemented(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if annotate_tape(kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("Automatic differentiation is not supported for this operation.") return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper @staticmethod def _ad_annotate_iadd(__iadd__): @wraps(__iadd__) def wrapper(self, other, **kwargs): with stop_annotating(): func = __iadd__(self, other, **kwargs) ad_block_tag = kwargs.pop("ad_block_tag", None) annotate = annotate_tape(kwargs) if annotate: block = FunctionAssignBlock(func, self + other, ad_block_tag=ad_block_tag) tape = get_working_tape() tape.add_block(block) block.add_output(func.create_block_variable()) return func return wrapper @staticmethod def _ad_annotate_isub(__isub__): @wraps(__isub__) def wrapper(self, other, **kwargs): with stop_annotating(): func = __isub__(self, other, **kwargs) ad_block_tag = kwargs.pop("ad_block_tag", None) annotate = annotate_tape(kwargs) if annotate: block = FunctionAssignBlock(func, self - other, ad_block_tag=ad_block_tag) tape = get_working_tape() tape.add_block(block) block.add_output(func.create_block_variable()) return func return wrapper @staticmethod def _ad_annotate_imul(__imul__): @wraps(__imul__) def wrapper(self, other, **kwargs): with stop_annotating(): func = __imul__(self, other, **kwargs) ad_block_tag = kwargs.pop("ad_block_tag", None) annotate = annotate_tape(kwargs) if annotate: block = FunctionAssignBlock(func, self*other, ad_block_tag=ad_block_tag) tape = get_working_tape() tape.add_block(block) block.add_output(func.create_block_variable()) return func return wrapper @staticmethod def _ad_annotate_idiv(__idiv__): @wraps(__idiv__) def wrapper(self, other, **kwargs): with stop_annotating(): func = __idiv__(self, other, **kwargs) ad_block_tag = kwargs.pop("ad_block_tag", None) annotate = annotate_tape(kwargs) if annotate: block = FunctionAssignBlock(func, self/other, ad_block_tag=ad_block_tag) tape = get_working_tape() tape.add_block(block) block.add_output(func.create_block_variable()) return func return wrapper def _ad_create_checkpoint(self): if disk_checkpointing(): return CheckpointFunction(self) else: return self.copy(deepcopy=True) def _ad_convert_riesz(self, value, options=None): from firedrake import Function, Cofunction options = {} if options is None else options riesz_representation = options.get("riesz_representation", "l2") solver_options = options.get("solver_options", {}) V = options.get("function_space", self.function_space()) if riesz_representation != "l2" and not isinstance(value, Cofunction): raise TypeError("Expected a Cofunction") elif not isinstance(value, (Number, Cofunction, Function)): raise TypeError("Expected a Cofunction, Function or a float") if riesz_representation == "l2": if isinstance(value, (Cofunction, Function)): return Function(V, val=value.dat) else: f = Function(V) with stop_annotating(): f.assign(value) return f elif riesz_representation in ("L2", "H1"): ret = Function(V) a = self._define_riesz_map_form(riesz_representation, V) firedrake.solve(a == value, ret, **solver_options) return ret elif callable(riesz_representation): return riesz_representation(value) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Unknown Riesz representation %s" % riesz_representation) def _define_riesz_map_form(self, riesz_representation, V): from firedrake import TrialFunction, TestFunction u = TrialFunction(V) v = TestFunction(V) if riesz_representation == "L2": a = firedrake.inner(u, v)*firedrake.dx elif riesz_representation == "H1": a = firedrake.inner(u, v)*firedrake.dx \ + firedrake.inner(firedrake.grad(u), firedrake.grad(v))*firedrake.dx else: raise NotImplementedError( "Unknown Riesz representation %s" % riesz_representation) return a @no_annotations def _ad_convert_type(self, value, options=None): # `_ad_convert_type` is not annotated, unlike `_ad_convert_riesz` options = {} if options is None else options riesz_representation = options.get("riesz_representation", "L2") if riesz_representation is None: return value else: return self._ad_convert_riesz(value, options=options) def _ad_restore_at_checkpoint(self, checkpoint): if isinstance(checkpoint, CheckpointBase): return checkpoint.restore() else: return checkpoint def _ad_will_add_as_dependency(self): """Method called when the object is added as a Block dependency. """ with checkpoint_init_data(): super()._ad_will_add_as_dependency() @no_annotations def _ad_mul(self, other): from firedrake import Function r = Function(self.function_space()) # `self` can be a Cofunction in which case only left multiplication with a scalar is allowed. r.assign(other * self) return r @no_annotations def _ad_add(self, other): from firedrake import Function r = Function(self.function_space()) Function.assign(r, self + other) return r def _ad_dot(self, other, options=None): from firedrake import assemble options = {} if options is None else options riesz_representation = options.get("riesz_representation", "l2") if riesz_representation == "l2": return self.dat.inner(other.dat) elif riesz_representation == "L2": return assemble(firedrake.inner(self, other)*firedrake.dx) elif riesz_representation == "H1": return assemble((firedrake.inner(self, other) + firedrake.inner(firedrake.grad(self), other))*firedrake.dx) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Unknown Riesz representation %s" % riesz_representation) @staticmethod def _ad_assign_numpy(dst, src, offset): range_begin, range_end = dst.vector().local_range() m_a_local = src[offset + range_begin:offset + range_end] dst.vector().set_local(m_a_local) dst.vector().apply('insert') offset += dst.vector().size() return dst, offset @staticmethod def _ad_to_list(m): if not hasattr(m, "gather"): m_v = m.vector() else: m_v = m m_a = m_v.gather() return m_a.tolist() def _ad_copy(self): from firedrake import Function r = Function(self.function_space()) r.assign(self) return r def _ad_dim(self): return self.function_space().dim() def _ad_imul(self, other): vec = self.vector() vec *= other def _ad_iadd(self, other): vec = self.vector() ovec = other.vector() if ovec.dat == vec.dat: vec *= 2 else: vec += ovec def _ad_function_space(self, mesh): return self.ufl_function_space() def _reduce(self, r, r0): vec = self.vector().get_local() for i in range(len(vec)): r0 = r(vec[i], r0) return r0 def _applyUnary(self, f): vec = self.vector() npdata = vec.get_local() for i in range(len(npdata)): npdata[i] = f(npdata[i]) vec.set_local(npdata) def _applyBinary(self, f, y): vec = self.vector() npdata = vec.get_local() npdatay = y.vector().get_local() for i in range(len(npdata)): npdata[i] = f(npdata[i], npdatay[i]) vec.set_local(npdata) def __deepcopy__(self, memodict={}): return self.copy(deepcopy=True)