Firedrake events¶
Firedrake USA’25¶
The ninth Firedrake user and developer workshop will be held 28 February and 1 March 2025 at Baylor University in Texas, USA. For more information see the workshop page.
Firedrake ‘24¶
The eighth Firedrake user and developer workshop was held between 16-18 September 2024 at the University of Oxford. For more information see the workshop page.
Algorithms for Exascale Computing¶
A summer school, aimed at Research Software Engineers and postgraduate students, will be a mix of expert lectures, hands-on workshops and informal discussion and networking sessions. This will include a Firedrake workshop on during the Wednesday morning session. More information about the summer school.
Firedrake ‘23¶
The seventh Firedrake user and developer workshop was held between 13-15 September 2023 at Missenden Abbey. For more information see the workshop page.
A Firedrake workshop was run during the Wednesday morning session of RSECon23.
PETSc4py documentation sprint¶
Firedrakers and collaborators met to finally document PETSc4py in Faversham, Kent from 27-31 March 2023.
Firedrake ‘22¶
The slightly inaccurately named Firedrake ‘22 was held from 4-6 January 2023 at Dartington Hall near Totnes. For more information see the workshop page.
Firedrake tutorial at Imperial College London May 30 2022¶
We held a hands-on ‘Introduction to Firedrake’ tutorial at the Royal School of Mines on 30 May 2022. For more information see the tutorial page.
G-Adopt Firedrake workshop April 28-29 2022¶
The G-ADOPT programme held a workshop on automating finite element methods for geodynamics via firedrake at the Australian National University in Canberra.
Firedrake ‘21¶
The fifth Firedrake user and developer workshop was held online between 15-17 September 2021. For more information see the workshop page.
Firedrake USA ‘20¶
We held a Firedrake user and developer workshop for the first time in North America at the University of Washingon on 10 and 11 February 2020. For more information, see the the workshop page.
Firedrake ‘19¶
The third Firedrake user and developer workshop was held at Durham University on 26 and 27 September 2019. For more information see the workshop page.
Firedrake tutorial at RWTH Aachen University Jun 18 2019¶
There was a hands-on Firedrake tutorial at the Aachen Institute for Advanced Study in Computational Engineering Science (AICES) on 18 June 2019. For more details see their website.
Firedrake tutorial at CSE 19¶
The Firedrake team presented a live cloud tutorial at the SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering in Spokane Washington on 1 March 2019.
Firedrake tutorial Jan 11 2019¶
The Firedrake team hosted an introductory tutorial at Imperial College London on 11 January. For details and links to the material, see the tutorial page.
Firedrake ‘18¶
The second Firedrake user and developer workshop was held at Imperial College London on 7 and 8 June 2018. For more information see the workshop page.
PETSc ‘18¶
The Firedrake team hosted PETSc ‘18 at Imperial College London from 4-6 Junr 2018. For more information, see the meeting page.
Firedrake tutorial Jan 12 2018¶
The Firedrake team hosted an introductory tutorial at Imperial College London on 12 January. For details and links to the material, see the tutorial page.
Firedrake ‘17¶
The first Firedrake user and developer workshop was held at Imperial College London on 27 and 28 March 2017. For more information, see the workshop page.
Firedrake tutorial at CNRS¶
The Firedrake team presented a Firedrake tutorial at CNRS in Paris. See this web page. The tutorial materials are accessible as part of the firedrake documentation.
FEniCS ‘15¶
The Firedrake team hosted the FEniCS ‘15 workshop. For more information see the workshop page.