Durham Cathedral

Firedrake ‘19

We are very happy to announce that the third Firedrake user and developer workshop will be held on 26 and 27 September 2019 at Durham University.

The workshop will provide the opportunity for Firedrake users and developers to engage with each other to communicate the ways that Firedrake can be used in simulation science, the latest developments in the project, and the future developments anticipated. The event will provide Firedrake users with the opportunity to spend face to face time with developers and other users.


The workshop will start with a half day Firedrake tutorial for interested new users and the main science programme will start at lunchtime on 26 September. See the programme for detailed timings.

Key Dates

  • Early registration deadline: 17 August 2019

  • Registration deadline: 6 September 2019 (via Durham event registration).

  • Abstract submission deadline: 17 August 2019.

  • Workshop: 26-27 September 2019


The workshop programme is available on Easychair.

Talk slides

Slides from the talks have kindly been provided by some of the presenters.

Workshop dinner

There will be a workshop dinner in the evening of 26 September at ASK Italian on Durham’s Millenium Square (easily accessible by foot from the conference location and town centre).


The workshop will be held in room E102 of the Christopherson building in the Department of Computer Science at Durham University.


Early bird registration is now closed. Registration (before 6th September) costs £80. Please register via Event Durham. Registration for the tutorial only is free.

Further details

For any queries, please contact Lawrence Mitchell.